
Published on:

26th Jan 2024

Trailer: It's Time To Start Chapter One Of Your Love Story

We’ve all heard the great love stories throughout history, but what about the great love stories of today?

Love Stories highlights the relationship journeys of successful, modern-day women and the trials they’ve overcome in pursuit of finding their aligned partner. I’m Charlene Byars, a feminine embodiment practitioner, certified empowerment coach and relationship expert. I created Love Stories to remind you to never lose hope that you are worthy of finding love. 

Each week, you’ll hear the deep, vulnerable stories from women, men and couples and their valuable learnings to help you find your own path to true love. Through actionable tips, constructive advice and my deeply passionate pep talks (I promise, they work), you will leave feeling confident and empowered to choose the right man, communicate intimately, and connect to your full feminine power.

You already possess everything you need to attract a beautiful relationship, it’s just never been activated. It’s time to release your old patterns and embrace a new shift into Chapter One of your love story.

Follow Charlene @mscharlenebyars.

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About the Podcast

Love Stories
Love Stories highlights the relationship journeys of successful, modern-day women and the trials they’ve overcome in pursuit of finding their aligned partner. Through actionable tips, constructive advice and my deeply passionate pep talks, you will leave feeling confident and empowered to choose the right man, communicate intimately, and connect to your full feminine power.

It’s time to release your old patterns and embrace a new shift into Chapter One of your love story. Hosted by Charlene Byars, a certified empowerment coach and relationship expert.

Follow Charlene @mscharlenebyars.

About your host

Profile picture for Charlene Byars

Charlene Byars

I'm Charlene, a dating and relationship expert. I'm also a Certified Empowerment Coach and Women’s Revolutionary Mentor. It’s my job to hold space for you while you move through the spaces of empowerment. Whether it’s old patterns that you want to be free of, or old beliefs that need to be let go of, I am here assist you in finding your true joy. Because there is no reason for you to live any other way than how you truly want your life to be.